Thursday, 21 January 2010

sewing machine news

after my first project with the old sewing machine from freecycle i decided that i needed a better machine than a machine my dear mum would have had and in fact did have one many years ago. so after much searching i bought a lovely sewing machine, it arrived on tuesday but due to work i couldnt have a play until wednesday evening. so there was me all day wednesday cutting out 5 inch squares of my lovely material for my first quilt project, i was so excited about playing with my machine, so come the evening i plugged it in and set it up but the bloody thing wouldnt work properly, 3 hours later still no success so i packed it up, this morning i phoned up the help line and this lovely man told me what to try, if it didnt work then i was to phone him back and he would arrange for it to be picked up and he would send me out a new one. anyway i tried what he suggested and lo and behold i got it going, perfectly. so here is my first quilt i made today, well ok its the top as i need to buy the wadding and back material. i love it and i am quite proud of my first machine stitched quilt and i know it wont be my last.
sorry about the side angle lol.

Saturday, 2 January 2010

freecycle sewing machine and first project

today i got the sewing machine off freecycle, not the one i was expecting as the woman said it didnt work so she gave me another one.......a very old singer sewing machine, my dear mum had one years ago, i think it should be in a museum for old sewing machines myself but as i cannot buy one yet and it works, i will keep it and use it until i can get a new one.
anyway my first project was a raggy doll, in primitive style, so i cut up a pillowcase, like you do, and set about making the doll, turning her little thin arms and legs in the right way were an achievement on there own, a knitting needle came in handy for that job and getting the stuffing inside them.her dress is an old blouse of mine that never saw the light of day, the image on her apron is a cut out from a piece of material with images of sarah kay dollies on. as you can tell by her face i have yet to master sewing faces onto things. anyway i still like her and her quirky looking face, her name is gemima.
she may be my first project but she will not be my last one

Friday, 1 January 2010

happy new year

first of all i would like to apologise for the long gap in my blog, bad blogger!!!!!
now to business;
happy new year to everyone and may 2010 be a good year for you all, anything has got to be better than the year thats just ended, steve lost his job, i had to do extra shifts to make up for some of the money we didnt have coming in. ohh well thats life.
the good news is we got a kitten in november, called pedro, he is a long haired fluffball, dark brown in colour and is very lively, loves climbing the clothes airer, lol.
not much scrapping has taken place apart from ukscrappers cybercrop, i got loads done and loved every mad minute of it, big thanks to my sister niki for letting me stay at her house for the entire weekend.
our christmas was ok, could have been better but wasnt that bad for a christmas on a very tight budget. the worse present i got was swine flu 3 days after christmas, still suffering now, damn you swine flu, damn you.
i have a bit of good news, i went on to my local freecycle group and have got an electic sewing machine coming today, the lovely lady is even bringing it to my house, how sweet is she:)
i have printed out some simple patterns to get me started as i havent used a machine for years, got to start somewhere.
i have been knitting things like a snowman, rabbit, angel and a scarf which is an ojgoing project lol.
i seriously need to buy some black double knit wool for this 18 inch dress up doll which comes with a wardrobe of clothes i am making my grand daughter for her birthday.
anyway thats the last few months of 2009 for me, written in a few sentences, not bad ehh.
last but not least, i am now just waiting for my NVQ4 certificate to be posted to me then i have the qualification i have been waiting months for.