Friday, 4 July 2008

long time, no blog

its been ages since i last put a new post on here, well i have been busy workwise afterall.

well since i last blogged i have done the ukscrappers cybercrop which was extremely good fun and kept me very busy over 3 days, my sister stayed over that weekend and we got loads done, everyone left us alone to get on with it, we made a right mess but had fun.

i have finished my teams cj and recieved mine back, wow the work that has gone into it is amazing, thanks to all members of the cropodile chicks, you rock.

i have made and sold 2 baby albums to my work colleagues.

i have done various layouts of grandchildren, etc. my scrapping slowed down in june tremendously due to not being too well, that is now sorted and am planning up on catching up on all the stuff i have fallen behind on like the a-z journal, scrap your day journal and the overlooked challenge journal, wow so much to do its just as well i am off work till the 16th july then isnt it.

best bit of news is its my birthday on 6th july and my oh has shared the cost of a 120 pack of prisma pencils with my oldest ds as my present, they are wonderful, so is my oh and ds, the pencils are the best, i love the way they blend nicely and its great for colouring my lovely stamps i have bought recently from the marketplace on ukscrappers and good old ebay.

well here are a few things i have done recently, thought i had better ad some pics seen as it is a scrapping blog.

from top to bottom the lo's are.
a 8x8 lo ofmy grand daughter
a 12x12 lo made for a wekly challenge on ukscrappers, lo is of me, twin sister and older sister on a day out to london zoo.
and last but not least is a lo i done today using some of the scrapagogo june kit, how i love these kits, i look forward to the middle of each month, waiting for the postie to give me my yellow box of goodies.
well thats it for now but i promise i won't leave it so long next time.