Thursday, 28 February 2008


here are some lo's i have done recently, after a spell of not doing much scrapwise, been busy with work and grandchildren, they are growing up so fast.

Wednesday, 27 February 2008

i made an organiser

here are some pictures of a scrapbook organiser i made myself today out of cereal boxes, mountboard and scraps of basic grey paper. the back is wide enough to store 12x12 paper and card.

Monday, 25 February 2008

massive update, long overdue.

well, now i have some rare spatre time i thought it about time i updated my blog, i have done some scrapping since the beginning of february.

work has been really busy so not had a chance to do as much as i would have liked.

here is one of the lo's i have done;
this is the ukscrappers february week 4 challenge lo

Friday, 1 February 2008

fall into fbruary

i cant believe its february already, where did january go, time flies when your having fun doesnt it, anyway i have kicked off february with 3 lo's, a dlo of my grand daughter, slo's of my twin grandsons and of 2 meerkats hugging, cute or what.